King's Camo Blog

4 Amazing Prize Packages - 4 Lucky Winners! Our Fall Gear Giveaway is complete! Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Prime, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in...
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DIY Idaho Archery Elk Hunt Last fall, Joel Burham of Whitetail Fit set out to hunt elk with an over-the-counter archery tag in Idaho. With help calling and filming from his friends Lydia and Wes, he was able to close...
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Our Holiday Gear Giveaway is complete! This holiday season, we received thousands of entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Hoyt, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 5 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this spring!
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Joel spends parts of every month from August through December in the field chasing bucks. Those temperature swings can test any hunter and their system, so Joel has put together a helpful breakdown of what he wears to help him succeed during each phase of the hunting season.
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Our Fall Gear Giveaway is complete! This season, we received thousands of entries. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway. We assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from Hoyt, Vortex, and Camp Chef totaling over $4,000 in prizes. Below are the 5 lucky winners. Stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this holiday season!
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