Desert Sheep Hunting on Tiburon Island

I returned from a wonderful Desert Sheep hunt on Tiburon Island, Sonora Mexico. I wanted to drop you a quick note regarding the hunt and to praise your great clothing which I used throughout the hunt.
As you can see from the enclosed photos I had tremendous success on the hunt. After 10 days of hard hunting I harvested a once in a lifetime Desert Ram. He was everything I had dreamed of a Desert Sheep would look like. He sports horns that are 39 inches in length with 16 inch bases and green scores 183 2/8 B&C. The hide is a deep chocolate color and in perfect condition. He just has that WOW factor that is more than I had hoped for, I couldn’t be happier. This ram also completed my Grand Slam of North American Wild Sheep.
Tiburon Island is a real tribute to what proper game management can accomplish. The Seri Indians, who own the island, along with the Wild Sheep Foundation have been working very diligently over the last 20 years to make the Tiburon the premier destination for trophy quality Desert Sheep. My Ram is just one of many quality sheep that the island has produced over the last several years. The hunt was conducted by Desert-Hunt outfitters owned by Braulio and Luis Romero with the aid of the Seri Indian staff. Things could not have been better as far as organization and management. The quality of Braulio’s guides was top notch in every detail. I was also accompanied by long time friend and outfitter Rick Guinn from Alberta. Rick is a veteran of hundreds of sheep hunts all over the world, four on Tiburon. He killed a giant 187 inch ram on the island several years ago himself. Rick is the one who convinced me to go there myself. Rick’s glassing and field judging horn size ability is uncanny. His sense of humor and jovial hunting attitude made the days go by way too quickly.
The Desert Shadow Camo pattern clothing that I used was a perfect match with the surrounding country side. With temperatures ranging from the low 40’s up to high 70’s the weight of the clothing was perfect. High winds on top of the mountains were often an issue and your Wind-Defender jacket was a joy to pull out of my backpack. We spiked camped out for the first six days moving the camp on our backs every day. I literally lived in your clothes the whole time. I was very impressed on how durable your clothing is. Working up literally miles of brush choked dry creek beds my outfit remained virtually brand new. Even though my legs were shredded by thorns the pants held up remarkably well. Thank you for supporting the outdoor community with such wonderful camo products.
Yours in the sport,
Len Guldman
Centennial, Colorado
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